Hot tub repair pro company in Colorado

Hot tubs complete guide? Here are some advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. Every public pool and spa in the United States must be equipped with ?an anti-entrapment drain cover. Learn pool and spa safety, how to install a compliant drain covers, and regularly maintain your pool and spa. Never use your spa during extreme weather conditions (i.e. electrical storms, tornados, hurricanes etc.). Go inside and reschedule your hot tub party for a clear day.

Sometimes people lower the water temperature set point dramatically, usually to cool the water in the summer. The next thing they know, they are struggling to maintain water purity, and they think something is wrong because their spa no longer filters.

Maintaining balanced chemistry in a body of water as small as your hot tub means you’ll be changing the water frequently. You can keep recirculated dirt and debris from getting into your filter system by covering the lower return inlets with pantyhose when you change the water. Keeping that gunk out of your filter system reduces the stress on your spa’s system and helps keep it working longer. Cleaner water also means you’ll have a leg up (heh) on balancing water chemistry, too.

Advices for buying a hot tub : Reclined seating lets you lay back, fully submerged in spa water. Loungers usually have more jets for a full-body massage. The best spas are deep enough to prevent you from floating out of the lounger. A lounge takes the equivalent space of up two standard seats. Tubs for families or friends the need more seats could skip the lounger for an extra spot.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : By far, Cal Spas has the most hot tub models available across its six hot tub product lines. Cal Spas also sells eight models of swim spas. The sheer number of Cal Spas’ available options is almost overwhelming. The manufacturer has 51 hot tub models and several color and upgrade options as well. Cal Spas is one of the only spa companies we evaluated with a salt water sanitation option, as well as UV-C and ozone options. This spa brand is a great option for different hot tub shapes as it offers oval and triangle spas in addition to the usual square options. With so many options, the website is difficult to navigate, and Cal Spas does not have pricing guidelines for its products, which makes narrowing down your options without speaking to a dealer inconvenient. However, we love the sheer amount of options at CalSpas when it comes to hot tub size, shape, color and upgrades. See more details on Regular Water heater maintenance Colorado.

Water conditioners- We are a select supplier of “Soft Skin Spa” water conditioner to remove harshness of water sanitizing chemicals and reduce maintenance expenses. Salt Water Conversions – Dead Sea Salt Water Conversions bring the sea to your back yard and eliminate the need to add harsh chemicals. All Parts and labor are guaranteed for one year from the date of repair or replacement. Don’t rely on two different companies to install and set up your hot tub. Dr spa can fully wire and configure your hot tub so you only need to make one phone call for all your needs.

One of the most important things you can do to increase the longevity of your spa cover is to remove it at least twice per week. Use a spa cover lifter to completely remove it, or if you don’t have a spa cover lift, gently place it off the spa. Give your cover a few hours to breathe and shake off some of the constant heat and moisture. This is also a good time to add chemicals or shock the spa if you aren’t using it at the time.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself.